

These objectives contribute to strengthening democratic culture and civic awareness, by promoting civic education and human rights; and participation of citizens in civic activities.


Obiectivul 1:

Echiparea a cel putin 20 de profesori, educatori si lucrători de tineret din judetele Cluj si Neamt, prin doua zile complete de instruire, cu instrumente practice de invatare si materiale despre democratie si angajament civic si advocacy pentru tineri, inclusiv dezvoltarea si furnizarea unui set de instrumente practice si interactive, si instruindu-i cum sa il foloseasca in educarea și îndrumarea tinerilor.

Obiectivul 2:

Imbunatatirea capacitatii democratice si a angajamentului civic a cel putin 80 de tineri (intre 16 si 24 ani) din Cluj si judetul Neamt, pe o perioada de cel putin 8 luni, prin desfasurarea a trei zile de formare interactiva si activităti de mentorat de tip follow up asupra abilitatilor democratice, a angajamentului civic si a abilitatilor practice de advocacy dobandite.

Obiectivul 3:

Formarea, activarea si mentorarea a minimum 8 grupuri locale de advocacy a tinerilor (intre 16 și 24 ani) in Cluj si Neamt pe o perioada de cel putin 8 luni:

  • Prin instruire si indrumare cu privire la abilitatile practice de implicare civica și advocacy
  • Oferindu-le o platforma pentru cooperari strategice si imputernicindu-i sa infiinteze grupuri de advocacy pe teme relevante
  • Indrumandu-i sa dezvolte strategii concrete de advocacy si planuri de actiune
  • Facilitand spatii in care sa isi foloseasca abilitatile de advocacy in intalniri cu oficiali publici, decidenti, experti si publicul larg.


Objective 1:

To equip at least 20 teachers, educators and youth workers from Cluj and Neamț counties, through two full days of training, with practical learning tools and materials about democracy and civic engagement and advocacy for young people, including the development and provision of a set of practical and interactive tools, and teaching them how to use it in educating and guiding young people.

Objective 2:

To improve the democratic capacity and civic commitment of at least eighty young people (between 16 and 24 years old) in Cluj and Neamț County, over a period of eight months, by conducting three days of interactive training and follow-up mentoring activities regarding democratic skills, civic engagement and practical advocacy skills.

Objective 3:

To form, activate and mentor at least eight local youth advocacy groups in Cluj and Neamț counties for a period of at least 8 months:

  • Through training and guidance on practical civic engagement and advocacy skills.
  • Providing them with a platform for strategic cooperation and empowering them to set up advocacy groups on relevant topics.
  • Guiding them to develop concrete advocacy strategies and action plans.
  • Facilitating spaces in which to use their advocacy skills in meetings with public officials, decision makers, experts and the general public.